Cable Advisory Council of South Central Connecticut
CACSCC Contacts for Wallingford
Senator Len Fasano, 34th Senate District
(represents Durham, East Haven, North Haven, Wallingford)
Telephone: 1-800-842-1421 (CT only)
State Representative Mary Mushinsky, 7th District
Tel: (203) 269-8378
Public Access Station
WPAA-TV and Community Media Center
Wallingford Public Access Association, Inc.
28 South Orchard Street
Wallingford, CT 06492
Tel: 203-294-9722
Live TV Call-In: 203-265-6310
State Representative Craig Fishbein, 90th District
Tel: (860) 240-8700
State Representative Vincent Candelora
(represents Durham, Guilford, North Branford and Wallingford)
Tel: 800-842-1423 (within Connecticut)
State Representative Liz Linehan, 103rd District
Tel: (860 240-8585